Childs, J. (2014). From ‘criminals of the earth’to ‘stewards of the environment’: The social and environmental justice of Fair Trade gold. Geoforum, 57, 129-137. Link to Article
Early Images of Slavery and Forced Migration in the Americas
Torres, M. D. (2014). Pearl Fishing in the Caribbean - Early Images of Slavery and Forced Migration in the Americas. P. Alberto, E. Chambers, M. D. Torres, C. Gaiter, C. G. Montero, C. E. Henderson, . . . L. Thomas, African Diaspora in the Cultures of Latin America, the Caribbean, and the United States (pp. 73-82). Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press. Link to Book Chapter
Conservation Gemstones, Beyond Fair Trade
Cartier, L.E., Pardieu, V., 2012. Conservation Gemstones, Beyond Fair Trade. National Geographic Blog. Link to Article